When all have equal constitutional rights why quality education is not available to all. Today only few selected category have the financial capacity and might for getting quality education. The downtrodden and poor are deprived of quality education. Instead of distributing unemployment allowance and Kanya Vidya Dhan, why this money cannot be invested for a permanent system through which one and all could get the benefits of quality education. Today’s competitive world shows the door to the less educated as today people look for result oriented visionaries and class educated people. Our nation is progressing in all directions but we are not giving proper attention to education. Quota policy6 should be abolished and in its place, equal rights for education should be given to the poor, downtrodden and those underprivileged so that they come up on their own. Quota system is like crutches for the disabled. We should not make them disabled and instead make them independent for their better tomorrow. Our nation can become mightier only if we have quality education. One more area which we are sidelining is cultural values. Our roots are our assets and our country have diverse cultural values which should be preserved so that secularism does not derail the education independence. Today, we have a national policy on education which is reviewed by several commissions and committees. Much has been done and much has to be done. National policy on education is needed for right to education. Let us hope for a tomorrow where there is a common core and a mechanism through which words like underprivileged, backward, downtrodden and poor do not exist. Let us hope for a educated and developed India where citizens have equal right for everything.
Harsh Dwivedi
B.A.Media Studies
3rd semester
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ReplyDeleteहर्ष जी पढ़कर अच्छा लगा...आपके प्रश्न अच्छे हैं और आशाएं भी साथ हैं, लेकिन यदि अपने ही प्रश्नों का उत्तर देते और बताते कि वाकई में किस तरह सबकों बढ़िया पढ़ाई का मौका मिल सकता है तो अच्छा लगता...वैसे आप इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालय से बिलांग करते हैं इसलिए एक मुद्दा बताता हूं..विवि के छात्रों को 23 साल बाद नया हॉस्टल मिला है..इस गैप में जाने कितने छात्रों की संख्या में बढ़ोतरी हुई, लेकिन हॉस्टल 23 साल बाद...ये कुछ कारण है जिनकी वजह से क्वालिटी एजुकेशन दूर है...और भी कारण खोजिए और हां जवाब सबसे ज्यादा जरूरी है..यही आपको सोचशील बनाएगा..सवाल करना जनता का काम है....जवाब खोजिए..ही आपका काम है...कीप इट अप गुरु
ReplyDeleteWithout a doubt i completely agree with u from my point of view if India has do develop it has to first correct education system.